Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Family Discovery Learning - Creative People

Willoughby Road Primary School parents, grandparents, aunts + uncles and children have had the opportunity to be 'creative' with digital technology over the last four weeks.
The Study Parks digital inclusion and digital literacy course is continuing to be a big hit with adults and children alike. The learning programme subtly 'drops people in at the deep end' of creative possibilites using online and digital technology. The programme uses a mixture of video, audio, graphic and computer gaming software to produce a fully interative 3D computer game using a wide range of skills in a collaborative, friendly and fun environment.  

Adults and children using the 'Live' TV studio

Family teams preparing scripts for video and audio recording
Most adults who arrive on Week 1 look mesmerised when we explain what the programme entails but by Week 5 they are creating scripts, video sequences and jointly creating a computer game!

The programme for 2013 is virtually full for Spring and Summer terms.

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