I'm now on my way to Boothroyd Junior school to take a photo of 3 of the mums that have completed a 6 weeks course and give them their certificates. There is a waiting list for parents to do the course which is great for the project.

After that, I'm off the Deighton centre in Huddersfield to a Kirklees community team meeting. It was great touching base with the team again - it's been awhile! The meeting focussed on the challenges and opportunities that community engagement workers face and how the asset based community development model is the way forward in turning challenges into opportunities. At the next team meeting in January, I've been asked to do a presentation to show the community team what the project has achieved in the last year.
I finish the day off collating my entry and exit forms to post to the central team in Swindon - these forms evidence how many learners engage with the project, which are subsequently reflected in my stats. End of blog for today and will blog again for tomorrow.
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