Friday, 14 December 2012

Day 5 - final day of my blog week!

This photo of the view from my office tells the story and sets the scene for the day. I woke up to freezing fog and black ice - this didn't change until mid afternoon and affected my plans for the day.
Those plans included setting off late morning to Batley to a restaurant called Zucchinis, where I had intended to meet a few of my steadfast volunteers and treat them to lunch as a reward for all their hard work and time they had given to the project. Unfortunately, the black ice prevented our lunch date taking place and it has been rescheduled until the new year.

On the positive side it gave me time to make a start on my December monthly report, which will be a short one this month, being only half-way through the month!

The rest of the day was taken up with setting up another new course in January, being invited to attend a meeting in Chickenley in the new year and confirming a follow-up meeting with Alison Peaden with regard to a joint working opportunity involving Kirklees libraries, JCP and my project.
I finish today for Xmas and I feel I'm ending the year on a high - my stats are looking healthy; I've regained contact with Kirklees community team and I've got courses booked for January and February 2013 and lots of potential opportunities to follow up.

That's over and out for me and I'm passing the blog over to Michael in North Lincs to continue next week. I hope that anyone that has read my blog has enjoyed reading it as I have really enjoyed writing it! Merry Xmas to all my colleagues and partner organisations and wishing you all a very happy new year!! Xxx

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