This week I’ve been following up meetings and arranging new ones to help raise awareness of the Programme and forwarding contact information about the community groups we are working with, promoting new courses and opportunties.
I’ve also been contacting all of our groups to confirm dates and times of courses for the New Year so that BT Digital Champions know when they're needed to volunteer their skills and expertise.
I’ve also held a train the trainer session in Enniskillen on Wednesday evening, where 5 very enthusiastic community volunteers in Cavanaleck have been trained to deliver our introductory IT sessions. They’ve even identified their first two classes, working with a women’s group and a group of young people. It’s looking like we’re going to have loads more people feeling digitally included over the next few months, if everything goes according to plan.

Another two community connections award applications for free broadband has been submitted and I’m just about to go to another group in Upperlands, Maghera, who’ve been successful in their award to see if there is any other support that I can offer them in helping set up their internet cafe eg providing teaching resources for new learners etc. I’ll let you know how I get on later!
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